<VV> Your oil change needs
Tony Underwood
tony.underwood at cox.net
Sun Dec 18 01:11:14 EST 2011
At 05:50 PM 12/17/2011, Sethracer at aol.com wrote:
>_tony.underwood at cox.net_ (mailto:tony.underwood at cox.net) writes:
>Those guys do not know what the Hell they're talking about, unless
>there's an agenda afoot somehow. I tend to go with no agenda, just
>plain ignorance and spin, and some stats buffoon needing to justify
>his employment and likely overblown paycheck. tony..
>Before we beat on the bureaucrats too much,
Oh, I'll beat up on bureaucrats at every opportunity if they need the
...particularly ignorant bureaucrats who, in order to drive home
their agenda, use lame rhetorical excuses like iron pistons that
expand more than aluminum pistons. That guy NEEDS a beating.
>let's examine the facts. Most
>cars on the road now are newer cars, not our 60's vintage. What the guy is
>trying to do is over come the 3000-mile hype that the "Jiffy Lubers" have
>been putting out and get people to check their owners manuals, and act
I have no problem with that. Today's cars can go a lot longer than
3k on an oil change IF it's decent oil to begin with, and most oils
ARE. Synthetics are even better and more durable and thus should go
longer than distilled dinosaur juice. My problem is the "trendy"
tendencies by those same self-involved bureaucrats to feed the masses
a Boatload Of Bullshit to support their agenda.
That just plain sucks. It's that sort of "trend" that starts people
believing in bogus ideas.
>There is an old hot-rodder's motto: "If some is good, more is
>better and too-much is just right!" Well, it didn't apply to
>camshafts or carbs,
>and is doesn't apply to oil changes. If you drive a Corvair as a regular
>car, and put on thousands of miles a year, you would treat it to regular
>changes based on the manufacturers recommendations, perhaps
>extended a bit with
>better oil. (or toilet-paper filters?)
Toilet paper filters? Are we back to the shunt filters they put on
stovebolts, used a roll of tp to filter the oil? ;)
> The bureaucrats are trying to get the owner of the 2007 VW or 2009 Malibu
>to not drop perfectly good oil out and replace it with a "finite-resource"
>item. Of course, one could point out that the "Oil changer" merchants are
>not really lying about changing the oil more often.
...so, who's the bad guy here? ;)
>New oil is almost
>always a good thing. But what is the possibility that
>the minimum-wage goofball
>will screw up the threads on your oil pan drain plug,
Careful, you're starting to sound like a bureaucrat. I change my own
oil, thanks.
>or do some other bad
Ditto. I don't pay people to do what I'm perfectly capable of doing
myself. Frankly, it's getting harder and harder to pay others to do
things, what with the costs of other people's labor these days.
>That possibility exists as well.
Not for me...
>And remember, they are draining
>your wallet along with your oil.
So, what are your thoughts? Did Jiffy-Lube piss off somebody on the
LA city council? ;)
>And for reference, California has had an oil re-cycling program for many
Well, I would certainly hope so. I live on the other side of the
continent and there's an oil recycle program here that's been going
on for decades. I've carried many a jug of drained oil to the
"Salem Motors Texaco" service station to dump into their holding tank
for pickup.
And since that CA oil is being recycled, wouldn't that mean that it's
NOT being wasted, and is instead being reprocessed and sent back into
the crankcases of cars again? And doesn't that employ
people? Where's the waste? Maybe Mr Ironpiston needs to answer
that. He could also tell us about his education that evidently
qualified him to make some fairly obscure comments regarding engines
and coefficients of aluminum vs iron thermodynamics.
Or, is the concern in regards to too many illegals who dump their
drained oil onto the ground because they can't read the instructions
on the oil jug which says to recycle...?
...either way, then the bureaucrat made that dumb-ass remark
regarding aluminum vs iron pistons, THAT's when I lost all respect
and interest in anything else the dimwit had to say about anything
because his credibility had been destroyed by either his own
ignorance, OR his belief in the ignorance of his audience AND his
expectations of being believed because he's "somebody", which
actually makes him even worse than if he was just outright
ignorant. It's people like this in positions of authority who not
only screw things up, but are screw-ups who screw up while being paid
too much money.
tony.. curmudgeon-in-training
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