<VV> Battery Life

Joel McGregor joelsplace at earthling.net
Thu Aug 18 19:43:21 EDT 2011

I've been buying Wal-Mart batteries because they have a 3 year free replacement and they almost never last that long so once I've bought one it's a lifetime free battery as long as I'm willing to swap it out every couple of years.  I have had really good luck with Interstate but they cost twice as much and I don't know if they are still as good as they used to be.  I would pay double for one I knew was going to last 7 years.
Joel McGregor

Joel, I have to admit I was wondering the same thing. I get about 5 years on my stuff if the vehicle is started and driven frequently. Interstate is the battery of my choice. I am certainly not interested in the cheapest I can find,of anything.
Timothy Shortle in Durango Colorado 81301

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