<VV> Fwd: coil voltage (stock)
Ken Pepke
kenpepke at juno.com
Mon Aug 15 09:06:53 EDT 2011
The purpose of lower voltage at the points is to reduce arcing as the points open. The lower voltage works in conjunction with the condenser which is sort of an electrical 'shock absorber' or dampener ...
Ken P
> From: Ramon Rodriguez III <corvairgrymm at gmail.com>
> Date: August 14, 2011 8:47:57 PM EDT
> To: Harry Yarnell <hyarnell1 at earthlink.net>, virtualvairs at corvair.org
> Subject: Re: <VV> coil voltage (stock)
> Ok thanks Harry, your input is very much appreciated. I thought that a
> constant 11 volts while running could overheat the coil and cause it to
> start failing, I know I've been warned against ever running a stock coil on
> a jumper direct from the battery for more than a few minutes (hotwire) for
> that reason, but then that would be 13 plus volts I guess.
> I'll put in new points and see, thanks for saving me the expense of
> replacing a coil that might not be bad (it's less than a year old).
> Ray R.
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