<VV> Front Grille/License Plates

efki at verizon.net efki at verizon.net
Sat Sep 18 13:56:55 EDT 2010

That piece is attached with sheet metal screws. That could be the reason your machine screw are not working. The screws go into what I believe are called clip nuts, least I be chastised for using the wrong term. It the clip nut isn't there you need to get them.

The front license plate:
There are three holes shaped in the shape of a triangle. The top two get a plastic insert. This is where your plate attaches. The bottom hole will get a rubber bumper. This keeps the plate from scratching the paint. 

Check with the Corvair vender closest to you. I'm sure they will have the parts. You can try your local parts house as well, but if you don't have something to compare it to it hard to get the correct item. 

I hope this helps.


Sep 17, 2010 01:24:20 PM, cmdoptesc.pwnt at gmail.com wrote:

So I'm trying to reattach the front "Chevrolet" grille thing on my
Greenbrier, and I thought all I needed were 6 appropriately sized screws.
Turns out I was wrong. What exactly do I need to use to mount that grille
cover on the car? Or should it just be the appropriately sized machine
screws and the holes where they should go on my van are rusted out?

An 8-32 screw from Fleet Farm is too big, and a 6-32 is too small.

Also, I managed to attach the rear license plate with a couple of largeish
bolts, but I have no idea how to mount the front plate. Eh?


[Travis Cole Thayer]
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