<VV> Parking Brake Cable - Trust but verify ?
chsadek at comcast.net
Thu Sep 16 16:44:05 EDT 2010
Hey Charlie,
How ya doin' on the flat labor rate?
Chuck S
----- Original Message -----
From: "Charles Lee" <Chaz at ProperProper.com>
To: "shortle" <shortle556 at earthlink.net>; "Frank Ness"
<aircoolvair at yahoo.com>; "VirtualVairs" <virtualvairs at corvair.org>
Sent: Thursday, September 16, 2010 1:36 PM
Subject: Re: <VV> Parking Brake Cable - Trust but verify ?
> No, I did not know I could not re-use the nuts until I was under the car
> and
> removed the old cable (why jack up the car today and leave it up waiting
> for
> the parts to come 4 days later ?
> I R & R'd the cable in one job, not two.
> The two LM cables are the same except for strength and I opted for the
> stronger one which apparently uses different threads, which the clerk did
> not ask, although she was looking at my order when I asked what thread to
> get.
> I am accumulating "small stuff" (I now have 6 nuts that I didn't have
> yesterday, for a total of $1 and 2 hours travel interrupting the job), but
> how do you know what you need.
> Remember, I am the one who put himself at the mercy of car mechanics over
> the last few years, and am only now getting back to where I should have
> been, with a bunch of spare parts and the knowledge to use them.
> I am rebuilding both by learning DIY it the only way to go, but even that
> is
> a treacherous path when suppliers cheese out on a couple of nuts that, as
> you say, we can put in our spare parts jars if we do not need them.
> Good PR, and I would do that, and lose the 18 cents ? OK.
> And yes, if I had even considered that they would mislead me, I should
> have
> verified their specs, with a simple ruler and eyeball it, but it never
> occurred to me not to trust their spec - she was looking at my order when
> she told me !
> Yes, "trust, but verify" and I was wrong to trust, and especially not to
> verify ...
> Charlie
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "shortle" <shortle556 at earthlink.net>
> To: "Frank Ness" <aircoolvair at yahoo.com>; "VirtualVairs"
> <virtualvairs at corvair.org>
> Sent: Thursday, September 16, 2010 9:26 AM
> Subject: Re: <VV> Parking Brake Cable question - too short ?
>> Charles, Please don't question Clarks Corvair Parts devotion or
>> commitment
>> to Corvairs just because you feel the nuts should be included. They are
>> listed on the same page as the cables. You just didn't order them though
>> it sounds like you knew yours would not be reusable. The 3 cables listed
>> do not include the FC's (only 3 listed for cars). I also have a lot of
>> extra fasteners around as it is ALWAYS the small stuff that holds up
>> jobs.
>> You may consider accumulating a "grab bag" of stuff if you are intending
>> to drive a Corvair. I also have a thread pitch gauge in my tap+die set
>> that will occasionally get used but we can pretty much look at a nut or
>> bolt and immediately determine how many threads per inch it has. I guess
>> that is experience. And has been asked on this never ending post by
>> others
>> while trying to help you with a fairly simple repair job, what part
>> number
>> did you order? What number did you get? I'm sorry I do not have the
>> measurements you ask for of the different c
>> able lengths.
>> Timothy Shortle in DC (Durango Colorado)
>> -----Original Message-----
>>>From: Frank Ness <aircoolvair at yahoo.com>
>>>Sent: Sep 16, 2010 7:55 AM
>>>To: VirtualVairs <virtualvairs at corvair.org>
>>>Subject: Re: <VV> Parking Brake Cable question - too short ?
>>>--- On Thu, 9/16/10, Charles Lee <Chaz at ProperProper.com> wrote:
>>>I just never expected that they wouldn't be part of the cable, so I
>>>look, and the phone clerk never even tried to sell them, which I think
>>>they should at least mention them ?
>>>I keep a supply of fasteners in my garage. So why would I want to pay for
>>>the nuts if I have them. When you run a business it's not just the price
>>>of the item. You said the nuts only cost $.18 each, what was your cost to
>>>go and get them? It cost $$ for the person to pull the parts, bag them
>>>put them in with your order. That is why a part you have want from a
>>>salvage yard seems like it is over priced, well they had to pay someone
>>>take it off and bring it to the counter.
>>>As far as the gal giving you the wrong size for the nut... With all the
>>>work you have done on your cars, I find it a little hard to feel bad that
>>>you had to go back twice.
>>>I do want to thank you for taking the time to post the pictures and
>>>diagrams. You are doing a nice job on it. The pictures are much clearer
>>>than in any of the manuals.
>>>Good luck with the car.
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