<VV> 63' belt tosser!

Ray "Grymm" Rodriguez vairguy at echoes.net
Mon Sep 13 05:47:50 EDT 2010

> Manual or automatic trans?  Really important to know -- what are your
> other cars?

This car is an auto.  The majority of mine have been auto's, two four 

I run the belt lose on my 66' Corsa and I occassionally decide to have some 
fun and do some aggresive shifting and such.. never had a belt get thrown... 
ever. =)  Also never had an overheat but I don't live in a terribly hot 
region... still I've driven it plenty at temps from 95 to 100.

Based on replies so far I'm going to start by cleaning up the pulleys really 
well..  maybe swap on a known good idler.  The bearings "feel" good to me 
with the belt off and don't sound bad through my stethoscope.. but who knows 
I guess.

Ray R.

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