N2VZD at aol.com N2VZD at aol.com
Sun Sep 12 05:42:20 EDT 2010

for anyone to say that the focus of that show was business for Clark's says 
 YOU OBVIOUSLY WERE NOT THERE!!!.  we were there from early setup until the 
 mass exodus helped with careful helpers getting us out into traffic on a 
busy  highway safely.
the hard working , well organized BAY STATE club , along with the  Clark's 
hard working employee's put on a show rivaling a lot of nationals.   please 
take a lesson from them if YOU  are running a show like  this.
That group had their duck's in a row , from early in the morning until the  
yes i am sure business was good , tours were very open and informative ,  
but you did not feel that the real focus was sales.
if you were there , correct me , but my wife and i both enjoyed that show  
in spite of not being able to drive a Corvair this time. 
sorry i can not comment on shows i was not at.
I am sure the upcoming nationals in this area will be something  
KUDOS to all that helped put this one on!  many happy returns.
passing thoughts , i feel that input from our national level vendors needs  
to be included in plans for any Corvair event. i feel they may have been 
kind of  left out on valuable input at times in the past.  
THANK YOU , from Rita and Tim Colson.
C N Y C C   _www.cnycorvair.com_ (http://www.cnycorvair.com) 

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