<VV> Filter first?

Dennis Pleau dpleau at wavecable.com
Wed Sep 8 23:05:26 EDT 2010

Ed Corston (sp) made most all of them.  He made an adapter that fit a lot of
mid/late 90s oil filters.  Ed was good friend, but I always stayed with
Corvair filters.


-----Original Message-----
From: virtualvairs-bounces at corvair.org
[mailto:virtualvairs-bounces at corvair.org] On Behalf Of Mark Corbin
Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2010 7:55 PM
To: Tony Underwood; virtualvairs at corvair.org
Subject: Re: <VV> Filter first?

I think at least one of the common spin-on adapters was made with threads
for some kind of a Saturn filter, under the assumption that it was a
high-volume filter and would be around for a while.

I managed to have a couple of nipples for them made special so as to fit a
PF-52 (also PF-40, 48, and 51) which is a Corvair-sized look-alike, along
with one of the others. These filters are commonly used on (among others)
GM's 2.8 V-6, so is easy to find. The fact that it is approximately the
same size as a Corvair filter is a big plus for me. The thread is ever so
close to the one for the Saturn filter, but the PF-52 won't fit the
"standard" spin-on's threads.

I advised the guy who was making them for Wall's, but other than make up
the "custom" nipples for me, he basically blew off my line of reasoning.

BTW, I also fault those adapters for having far too much path resistance
for the oil to travel. Much of the meat of the adapter can be cut away in
order to ease the oil's path, which will put more oil thru the engine with
less resistance.


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