<VV> <CORSA Chapters> Naysayers
David Clamp
66corsa at cox.net
Wed Sep 8 20:27:39 EDT 2010
Heart of Georgia Corvair club highly encourages CORSA membership for our chapter members. We even have some within the club who would require CORSA membership to be a member of our club. We have put it to a vote several times and each time the final outcome is that while we do what we can to promote CORSA, we still value freedom of choice.
Still, we are aware that CORSA membership is on the decline, and the national organization faces solvency issues. About eight months ago, we voted on a program to help promote CORSA. Our club will pay for the first year CORSA membership for every new member that joins Heart of Georgia. We get the new member to fill out a CORSA application, and we mail it in with one year's worth of dues. This introduces new members to CORSA without requiring them to spend any of their own money.
In under a year, we have sent CORSA four or five members. It is up to CORSA to show its value to them so they renew after year one.
David Clamp
Newsletter editor, Heart of Georgia Corvair Club
On Sep 8, 2010, at 7:44 PM, George Jones wrote:
It would be very easy for the chapters to take the decision out of CORSA's
hand by instituting a by-law to require all future chapter members become
CORSA members as well. The old timers can keep their "lone wolf" status for
as long as they continue to maintain their local club membership in good
standing. If they let their membership lapse, then in order to rejoin their
local club they would have to become CORSA members as well. This would not
impact our current membership at all, if you[re currently a CORSA member,
you're likely to remain a CORSA member. If you're not, you can remain free
of CORSA, but don't let you chapter membership lapse and expect to get back
into the chapter without becoming a CORSA member.
I've proposed this to the BoD twice and it's fell on deaf ears, so I guess I
have to push from the ground up.
George Jones
Eastern Division Director,
Corvair Society of America (CORSA)
Performance Corvair Group
Central Florida Corvair Club (Since 2009)
Tidewater Corvair Club (since 1987)
Central Virginia Corvair Club (since 2006)
CORSA (since 1987)
'65 Monza Crown V8 Convertible
'66 Monza Coupe Custom
On Wed, Sep 8, 2010 at 6:47 PM, J R Read <hmlinc at sbcglobal.net> wrote:
> Chuck,
> I guess you have me included in there somewhere. I will remain a CORSA
> member whether my local stays or goes. Some of our local members have been
> with the local for 40 years, so they were there when the original rules
> were
> set up and may indeed have had a say in what those rules were to be.
> Personally, I'm a late comer to Vairs as I did not arrive on the scene
> until
> 1978. I think I joined CORSA in '80 - maybe earlier, not sure. I had
> nothing to do with the original constitution, but several in our local did.
> Some of the proposed ideas on these issues have been discussed at local
> meetings - with a show of hands on various proposals. My take on those
> straw votes was that the charge to cover insurance expenses would have the
> best chance with the most people.
> If the issue gets forced to the point of the local choosing between
> allowing
> (nearly) life long friends to participate with the local club or not
> because
> of a change to the CORSA rules, I'm not real sure what the outcome would
> be.
> I know that it would not be pretty - which ever way it goes.
> Later, JR
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Louis Armer" <carmerjr at mindspring.com>
> To: <virtualvairs at corvair.org>
> Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2010 5:30 PM
> Subject: <VV> Naysayers
>> I am surprised at the number of NAYSAYERS regarding 100% CORSA
>> membership. Many who have responded are usually positive individuals
>> who I have known personally for years. The stale old argument that
>> clubs would withdraw from CORSA and small chapters would fold and
>> disappear just is not a valid argument to present. It is the same
>> negative slant that encourages NO action and uses negativity as a
>> crutch. "I am going to take my ball and go home" has been an ageless
>> threat since we were all children and now we have
>> adults in CORSA using the same old threat. Grow up and see the
>> problems of unenforceable rules / bylaws for what they are and will
>> always be. Let's put a bylaw in CORSA that allows each indidvidual
>> member the right to an International referendum vote on 100%
>> CORSA membership as a requirement of belonging to CORSA. No straw
>> vote, no current / former CORSA Presidents or Directors, representing
>> the members BUT each individual member burdened with the single
>> responsibility to vote on CORSA's future.
>> Chuck Armer
>> CORSA Member
>> Corvanatics Member
>> Corvair Atlanta Director
>> 1965 Corsa Coupe
>> 1964 Greenbrier
>> http://darthvair.com
>> SECC Member
>> 1965 Corsa Autocross car 1/2 owner
>> http://www.wtbrt.com/
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