<VV> No compression in #3
Charles Lee
Chaz at ProperProper.com
Sun Oct 17 13:49:05 EDT 2010
The compression gauge used was from AutoZone, and screws into the spark plug
The test was done with two gauges and done several times to be certain it
was a true reading.
It was also absolute 'zero' with NO deflection of the needle at all.
All other cylinders re-tested OK at the same time with both gauges.
There do not seem to be any surface defects on the piston.
There is considerable carbon build up on the valve face, and a chip in the
thick deposit just above the valve (see pix) :
----- Original Message -----
From: "J R Read" <hmlinc at sbcglobal.net>
To: "Virtual Vairs" <virtualvairs at corvair.org>
Sent: Sunday, October 17, 2010 10:02 AM
Subject: Re: <VV> No compression in #3
>I don't think that a valve seat has been out of place by much (if any at
> all). I do not see a "smiley face" on the top of the piston from contact
> with the edge of a valve.
> In the last 2 pictures - as oriented - at the top of the piston, is that a
> crack? Or, something else?
> What type of gauge gave the zero measurement? Screw in or cone shaped
> rubber style? If screw in, the plug hole threads have no issues?
> Later, JR
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Charles Lee" <Chaz at ProperProper.com>
>> I was under the impression that broken rings would give low compression,
>> not
>> zero compression, zip, nada, not even a hint of movement on the gauge
>> which
>> is what I got several times, with two different gauges.
>> Plus the cylinder walls look absolutely perfect, not a hint of scoring,
>> although that's apparently not really conclusive ?
>> www.yourbuyersinn.com/Cars/Corvair/1967MonzaCylinderWallPix.htm
>> Charlie
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