<VV> Forwarded: We lost one of our Patriarchs in Albuquerque this week...

Matt Nall patiomatt at aol.com
Fri Nov 26 22:04:36 EST 2010

Posted by: russmcd (
Date: November 26, 2010 06:31PM

Sylvan Zuercher died Wednesday evening, November 24, 2010 at the VistaCare Hospice
in Albuquerque. Sylvan had fought a long battle with congestive heart failure, was disabled by arthritis for many years and was in great pain from a recent fall. He was 86.

Sylvan joined CORVAIRS OF NEW MEXICO in 1974. He served three terms as president in 1975-1978 as well as two terms as Secretary, 1979-1980. For years he
printed, folded, stamped and mailed the ENCHANTED CORVAIRS newsletter. He contributed many tech tips and general interest articles to the newsletter. He
devoted countless hours to identifying Corvair part numbers and always was "The Man to See" about any Corvair carburetor maintenance and repair questions.

The number of fine people recruited by Sylvan to join our club is beyond enumeration.

Sylvan was the primary founder and the driving force behind the club's prestigious IKE MEISSNER service award. He won that award in 1991 and was honored to receive the FRANCIS BOYDSTON AWARD in 2000.

We will miss his faithful attendance at our meetings and his friendly, energetic and emphatic support of all things Corvair and of any and all Corvair people.

Russ McDuffie
Albuquerque, NM
1965 Corsa Convertible
1962 Corvair 500

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