<VV> Idiots on the road - no Corvair

peter koehler pkoehler01 at atlanticbb.net
Fri May 14 16:50:40 EDT 2010

Last week my son Paul called to tell me that our Chevy 
Venture van had been involved in a traffic accident. Paul 
is borrowing the Venture as he is working himself through 
one of life's rough spots. He stopped for the guy in front 
of him who was making a legal left hand turn. The box 
truck coming up fast in his rear view mirror somehow 
didn't see Paul in the lane. Of course not, he was too 
busy texting. Or something other than paying attention to 
his driving. As James would say, an Idiot!

Michigan's No Fault Insurance laws were enacted to help 
curb the high cost of car insurance. Maybe. The result of 
this idiot's non-action is that my Venture van is junk, 
Paul has a sore shoulder (my insurance is paying for his 
medical needs at least!) and Mr. Airhead with the 
hand-held device is off free and clear. Oh yes, his 
insurance has to pay a maximum of $500 for the loss of my 
van. My company raised my rates (I thought you said No 
Fault?) and I just found out that they put a non-renewal 
flag on my policy until I got rid of the damaged Venture.

Nobody every told me life was fair, but all of this seems 
like a really unfair situation. I don't like Idiots, 
especially when are pretending to be drivers of motor 
vehicles. - Caveman Pete

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