<VV> Corvairs - abandoned with tracable inspection stickers
Charles Lee
Chaz at ProperProPer.com
Sun Mar 28 15:53:51 EDT 2010
In New York, I would find Corvairs abandoned on street and highways, even
the LIE.
The inspection sticker was tracable through the station that inspected the
car, so I would find the station who would contact the owner with my offer
to remove their car.
I'd tell the owner "If I can find you, so can the state, who will charge you
to impound your car."
If the owner transferrred title to me, I'd remove it for free, and get the
car for the cost of a tow.
This would save him money and hassle, and I get a free Corvair (usually with
a broken fan belt !)
Only oncew did I get hassled, actually cited for "removing parts from an
abandoned vehicle" ironically after a truck left the scene hauling the deck
lids, doors, seats and anything good that wasn't welded on !
I had to go to court, but I had pictures showing there was nothing left to
take, and the cop admitted I hadn't actually taken anything but he thought I
was going to, and that all I had was a pencil and a peice of paper, and it
was dismissed.
The real issue was that he was sleeping in the bushes in his car (pretending
to be a speed trap, but he didn't see the truck !) and I was there when the
noise of the truck pulling away woke him up !
Alll in all it was work it, since I got all my spare parts I needed at very
little cost - wish I still had them !
----- Original Message -----
From: "shortle" <shortle556 at earthlink.net>
To: "Ken Wildman" <k-wildman at onu.edu>; <HallGrenn at aol.com>;
<32chevy at 0306.org>; <vairvert67 at yahoo.com>
Cc: <virtualvairs at corvair.org>
Sent: Sunday, March 28, 2010 9:36 AM
Subject: Re: <VV> Corvairs with 'Antique' plates/but no Corvair
> California had a form titled RELEASE OF LIABILITY that a seller had to
> forward within 10 days to the DMV. I would think most states would have a
> form of this nature. I cannot believe this pastor would be responsible for
> anything. The state authority could just o a lien on the vehicle and claim
> it, the same that a towing/storage facility would do. I guess in the case
> of the pastor the old saying is true: No good deed goes unpunished. (Or
> the road to hell is paved with good intentions). Timothy Shortle in
> Durango Colorado
> -----Original Message-----
>>From: Ken Wildman <k-wildman at onu.edu>
>>Sent: Mar 28, 2010 9:14 AM
>>To: HallGrenn at aol.com, 32chevy at 0306.org, vairvert67 at yahoo.com
>>Cc: virtualvairs at corvair.org
>>Subject: Re: <VV> Corvairs with 'Antique' plates/but no Corvair
>>Then he's probably going to be responsible. Unfortunately, he made a big
>>From: HallGrenn at aol.com [mailto:HallGrenn at aol.com]
>>Sent: Sunday, March 28, 2010 10:29 AM
>>To: k-wildman at onu.edu; 32chevy at 0306.org; vairvert67 at yahoo.com
>>Cc: virtualvairs at corvair.org
>>Subject: Re: <VV> Corvairs with 'Antique' plates/but no Corvair
>>In a message dated 3/28/2010 1:40:08 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
>>k-wildman at onu.edu writes:
>>If I was your pastor I'd just send Michigan a copy of the signed Bill of
>>Sale and tell them they need to find the owner of the car.
>>He just signed the title and didn't keep a copy--unfortunately.
>>No virus found in this incoming message.
>>Checked by AVG - www.avg.com
>>Version: 9.0.791 / Virus Database: 271.1.1/2773 - Release Date: 03/28/10
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