<VV> Telescoping Columns Revisited: What they're NOT worth

mike hicks mhicks130 at cox.net
Fri Mar 12 19:33:54 EST 2010

I don't agree at all.
In every Corvair I have ever driven for a long period of time,I have 
installed a telescopic.
I am tall,and it is a must for me.

One of those non sold units was mine..and it IS worth more than I am asking.
Sometimes people beg me to find a nice one,and they are hard to find.
I will buy everyone I can find at the prices some of you think they are only 
worth :)

A tele column is only worth what the market will bear - just like
everything else. If you want to sell it for more, you're SOL until the
market will bear your desired price. Saying it IS worth a certain amount
doesn't mean a thing unless you can back it up with a customer willing
to pay that price.

I'm tall-ish - 6'1"" and I don't need a tele.  We had one in our '66
4-door and all I used it for was pretending I was flying a plane!! 
Somehow, through some weird coincidence, the seats and steering wheel in
a Corvair fit me fine.  Happily enough. 

If someone gave me one, I'd sell it to Larry so he could go and rip-off
a Corvette guy.  :)


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