<VV> SCG WAS <CORSA Chapters> membership poll
Bill Hubbell
whubbell at cox.net
Fri Mar 12 18:02:40 EST 2010
The SCG has a CORSA-sponsored mail-list, same as Virtual Vairs,
Corvanantics, etc. It was set up for us by Bryan Blackwell way back when we
first started the group and uses the same Mailman List-server technology.
The list is nowhere near as noisy as Virtual Vairs, but it isn't silent,
either. There were 7 posts alone this past Monday and eleven posts last
week. Unlike Virtual Vairs, you DO need to be a member of the list to post
to it; all other posts are held for the review by the list moderator (that
would be me). I usually do send through all legitimate posts but reject any
spam or anything not pertaining to Stock Corvairs.
I have always posted all SCG-related e-mails, including announcements about
club business, meeting minutes, etc. to this list, under the assumption that
all SCG members are on the list. If you are an SCG member (or want to be),
you SHOULD be a member of this list. Although we DO have a secretary,
because we are a group of individuals spread out over the entire country
(world?) we rely entirely on our members to keep us informed as to their
method of contact. If there are SCG members who do NOT have or use e-mail
who wish to receive "snail mail" posts, I have yet to hear from any of them.
Please go to this link and follow the instructions:
Thank you
Bill Hubbell
President, Stock Corvair Group
-----Original Message-----
From: virtualvairs-bounces at corvair.org
[mailto:virtualvairs-bounces at corvair.org] On Behalf Of kenpepke at juno.com
Sent: Friday, March 12, 2010 8:58 AM
To: virtualvairs at corvair.org
Subject: Re: <VV> SCG WAS <CORSA Chapters> membership poll
So how often does the SCG attempt to contact members? I have not heard
anything from them since I cannot remember when!
Ken P
whubbell at umich.edu wrote:
By virtue of the way we set up the Stock Corvair Group essentially 100% of
the membership has e-mail (you register on-line). That doesn't mean they
actually use it much.
Bill Hubbell
More information about the VirtualVairs
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