<VV> The Virtual Vairs going forward!
Dennis Pleau
dpleau at wavecable.com
Sat Jun 26 20:47:45 EDT 2010
Great lead-in Ken!
When I joined the VVs in 1994, there were 40 members and about 1/4 of them
were named Ken and a 1/4 of them lived in Canada so we had some special
groups; group Ken and group Canuk (sp?). Ken Wildman proceeded me on the
list and was part of group Ken! The list was a lot looser and more social
then and no one complained much.
We now have 1211 members (as of 4:00 pacific time today). We have thin
skinned and thick skinned members, We have every political party and sub
groups of those parties represented. We have every sexual orientation on
this list. We probably have almost every religion in the world represented.
We have people from probably 20 or more countries.
The list has got to the point if we stray from Corvairs at all someone is
going to get offended and that why we have such strict rules today. It's
not the way I like it, but that is the way it has to be.
I'm going to remove everyone from VairOrg, the VV committee except for the
four active Virtual Vairs administrators (VV-Help): Bryan Blackwell, Harry
Jensen, Matt Nall and myself as well as Seth Emerson who I rely on a lot for
advice. Two thirds of the current VairOrg members haven't posted anything
to the VVs in the last five to ten years. I really haven't been using
VaiOrg to help me make decisions as they are so detached from the list. I
have been relying on (VV-Help) and my gut to make decisions. I don't want
to be a dictator and want help of a committee who is active and interested
in the VVs today.
I'm looking for five or maybe 10 more active VV members to volunteer for
VairOrg. The main duties are deciding when someone posts something outside
of the rules should be moderated. When we revise the rules, which we need
to do (the current rules say we don't allow attachments which we have
allowed for a few months), VairOrg will have a lot of input.
If you want to join VairOrg send me an email with why you want to be a
member and the current slimmed down committee will help make the decision.
I don't know who the new CORSA President is. As VV Chairman I serve at the
pleasure of the CORSA President. I may have already been replaced and don't
know it yet. If I have, only the first three paragraphs of this post apply.
I did put in my committee report to the BoD, I was going remake VairOrg.
Dennis Pleau
CORSA Virtual Vairs Chairman
-----Original Message-----
From: virtualvairs-bounces at corvair.org
[mailto:virtualvairs-bounces at corvair.org] On Behalf Of Wildman, Kenneth
Sent: Saturday, June 26, 2010 3:36 PM
To: Tony Underwood; Bryan Blackwell
Cc: VirtualVairs at corvair.org
Subject: Re: <VV> Frequent posters
That was discussed at the VV meeting at the convention.
The list was originally set up to provide communication among Corvair
fanciers. It functioned partly as a means of social interaction, partly
to share technical information, and partly as a place to discuss
At some point the "whatever" got out of hand and VV-Talk was created for
contentious topics (mostly politics).
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