<VV> wood wheel/tele-column and steering box for sale, LAST CALL!

Tony Underwood tony.underwood at cox.net
Sun Jul 18 19:04:19 EDT 2010

At 06:35 PM 7/16/2010, Jay Pitchford wrote:
>I think Ray handled this very professionally, and used VV appropriately to
>make a hard-to-find item available to Corvair owners exclusively. I have no
>doubt he could have almost doubled his money if he'd put it on Ebay for
>Corvette owners to bid on.
>Thanks, Ray. We need more members like you.

This is indeed a very good point.  Myself, I had no issues with Ray 
putting the steering column on this list since to do otherwise (Ebay) 
would have put it into the clutches of the Corvette gang, OR into the 
hands of one of the other flippers (and Ebay has a batch of them) who 
would buy it, sit on it a while as he looks for a plastic car owner 
with deep pockets and THEN sell it to that 'Vette guy for a 
considerable profit thus putting yet another scarce Corvair option 
out of reach of the members of this forum and/or CORSA.

I'm sure Ray knows he could have milked the Ebay market for some 
bigger bucks...

Me, I LIKE it when I see a rare item show up here before or instead of Ebay.


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