<VV> Please Respond only to Ray! RE: chrome/stainless tu-tone late 4-dr trim FOR SALE

kenpepke at juno.com kenpepke at juno.com
Wed Jul 7 07:33:31 EDT 2010

I agree with Timothy ... at least for a try out.  

I would suggest requiring a subject line starting with AUCTION + name of part.  

With as many parts as most of us have squirreled away it would be a great chance for some to get items they need and others to cut down on their storage requirements.  I can foresee a time when a subdivision of this venue, much like VV-talk, might be needed.
Ken P

shortle <shortle556 at earthlink.net> wrote:

Dennis, I "vote" we let Rays auctions be held here on VV due to the 
obvious deterioration of ebay. And this way he would not have to pay the fees involved 
with listing them there.
Timothy Shortle in Hong Kong
On my way to Singapore tomorrow 

-----Original Message-----
>From: Dennis Pleau <dpleau at wavecable.com>
>Sent: Jul 7, 2010 6:15 AM
>To: 'Virtual Vairs' <virtualvairs at corvair.org>
>Subject: <VV> Please Respond only to Ray! RE: chrome/stainless tu-tone 
late	4-dr trim FOR SALE
>We don't want to clutter up this list with the bidding.  Make sure you
>respond only to Ray and not the Virtual Vairs.
>Dennis Pleau
>CORSA Virtual Vairs Chairman

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