<VV> CPF Traveling Museum gains Traction
peter koehler
pkoehler01 at atlanticbb.net
Sat Jan 16 14:12:17 EST 2010
As Tim Colson mentioned here in VV, the Greenbrier
destined to serve as a traveling museum to promote CORSA
and the CPF has moved from his driveway. It is now parked
in Martinsburg, PA at Barry Musselman's Corvair shop. In a
few weeks we will hold an event for the local Keystone
Corvair Club known as a "Corvair Fun Day". Normally we
call for a fun day to rip apart some terrible, worn out
Corvair and send it off to the crusher. This time is
different; we're going to put the ColsonBrier back
together again!
I still need to figure out a way to carry a complete
Corvair engine display in the van. It would be easier to
go in and out of the side doors. I did buy a rebuilt
engine from Tim to put in the van that should make it very
reliable. But...would you cover up the top engine access
panel with another engine and then cross your fingers that
you would never have to get to the engine during the trips
planned for this event? Me neither. So I think the best
way to handle this would be to pull the two rear seats and
maybe put a partial camper package back in. That way I
could store some of the supplies and artifacts needed to
make this tour worthwhile for the club. There should be
enough room for an engine on a stand to slide in with the
camper stuff installed. Anybody got an extra Camper kit???
Some offers to help have been coming in. That is great!
Anyone planning to attend any of the events listed in my
last post would be welcome to hang out and help spread the
Corvair "Word". I've also received a few offers to help
with the cost of this tour. My suggestion would be if you
are so inclined just make a donation to the CPF (tax
deductible!) and earmark it for the Traveling Museum
display project.
Thanks, and I'll keep all of you posted on my progress.
Also look for a brief Foundation Focus article in a future
issue of Communique concerning these plans. It's going to
be fun! - Pete the travelin' Caveman
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