<VV> Nader and the book ! Why was Corvair his target ?
Marc Marcoulides
hharpo at earthlink.net
Thu Dec 9 14:34:54 EST 2010
Long ago Ralph Nader was guest speaker at our national convention, in his remarks he said that the Corvair was an entirely new offering from Detroits biggest company and thus his most logical target
-----Original Message-----
>From: chaz at ProperProPer.com
>Sent: Dec 9, 2010 11:04 AM
>To: shortle <shortle556 at earthlink.net>, "Bill H." <gojoe283 at yahoo.com>, virtualvairs at corvair.org
>Subject: Re: <VV> Nader and the book ! Why was Corvair his target ?
>Right, Tim, Ralph did not actually "kill" the Corvair, but he did much to
>malign our marque with the ignorant masses, regardless of the value of the
>result, at the cost of the Corvair.
>GM "paid the price" mostly for having mishandled Nadir and underestimating
>his ability to use their tactics against them.
>The Corvair was a prime target because it was different.
>Have you noticed that the Eldorado and Toronado were not as successful as
>they might have been had they not been different as well ? (OK, they were
>also mis-marketed, but that's not my point)
>When FWDs were foisted on us (for whatever reason, also not my point), they
>were marketed en masse and not as unique as was the Corvair, which marked it
>as a marketable target by Ralph, and got everyone's attention by targeting a
>known product, and the giant that produced it, as his villain.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: shortle
>Sent: Thursday, December 09, 2010 10:42 AM
>To: Bill H. ; virtualvairs at corvair.org
>Subject: Re: Nader and the book!
>RN ... did not kill the Corvair. The reason the Corvair was discontinued by
>GM is it was not profitable. Plain and simple.
>Timothy Shortle in Durango Colorado
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