<VV> 69 brake system diagram?
rbuckridge at comcast.net
rbuckridge at comcast.net
Tue Aug 31 20:26:02 EDT 2010
OK, my error. I have no idea as to what you have purchased in the conversion kit.
I assumed it would be just like the factory had done it and that you were simply buying all the factory parts as new or rebuilt.
In this case then I would ask the seller about the difference and why they changed it from what GM designed.
Roy - Bayshore
--------original message----------
I want to cover all my bases and have been
told that the factory dual-MC setup (as far as the lines and the presence of
proportioning valves) is different than the conversion.. I want to see it
for myself so I can safely rule out the difference in the plumbing of the
rest of the system as having any bearing on the problem.
Ray R.
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