<VV> Vair community has more ethical members than average ?
Charles Lee
Chaz at ProperProper.com
Mon Aug 16 14:15:33 EDT 2010
" I pay experts to do and concentrate on doing what my profession pays me to
That's what got me into trouble, when I stopped working on my own cars.
I didn't have time to learn OBD and my ignorance labeled me as as a gullible
target, which I was.
After losing $4,000 or more and have only two DOA cars to show for it, I had
to learn OBD, and my victims of 'vehicular car-slaughter' have become
'academic exercises' and a symbol to "DIY" !
As a database developer I was asked to teach computer programming, database,
etc, at a local college and got my AS and a BS in computer science, pending
my Masters in Educational Technology, and I made that my vocation.
Unfortunately I concentrated on "doing what my profession pays me to do" and
paid "experts" fix my cars, becoming even more ignorant with lack of
As a member of the local chamber, I have lectures on how to "sell up
services" and realized that the "experts" were just doing what they were
encouraged to do (the town, county, and state make more tax money on higher
bills, right ?)
We like what we do and the cars we drive and respect each other, and so do
the great majority of auto repair shops, but they need to make a living and
can't be faulted unless it an egregious abuse of the advantage any
knowledgeable person over someone who is not as knowledgeable.
Mechanics who take unfair advantage of car owners may be just "selling up"
but should at least provide the parts and services that they claim.
Any customer who does not hold them to that standard makes it that much
harder for the next unwitting victim (yes, "unwitting" I was !)
I can't remember the times I've commented, "That doesn't sound right" and
was told, "Don't worry, it'll clear up when it warms up."
Let's just say it didn't "warm up" but rather, after leaving :
... the Corvair's valve adjustment ("that sounds wrong" : "it'll warm up")
went from bad to worse and I adjusted them myself on the side of a dark,
cold high speed road when it died, less than 5 miles down the road and they
were closed.
(I had paid Sunrise Chevy "to do what he does" while I was at work "doing
what I get paid to do" and because it was too cold and dark and I didn't
have time.)
... the timing belt that was just replaced (by my father's beloved mechanic)
broke because it was too tight (after I had suggested that it might be tight
: "it'll warm up")
(my father lectured me about my disrespect for mechanics, how lucky I was
that he even deigned to work on my car, etc, etc)
... the wheel fell off (installed by a tire dealer contracted with NY state)
before I could get to a rest stop to DIY, and the missing wheel went through
another cars windshield
(When I started to tighten the lugs : "I already did that ! Do you think I
don't know my job ?")
Never mind the times I didn't even suspect until later that :
... the head gasket was installed backwards (and he blamed overheating on
everything but his work)
... the reconditioned engine I bought and paid for that was garbage, and he
blamed the poor running on a "slipping clutch" (no kidding)
Engine I got (after teardown) :
from Kar King in Ontario CA (recommended by manager of AAMCO (and former
Engine that was promised (not online, but same dealer and similar
'advertisement) :
... need I go on ?
I want to get back into, and under, a Corvair because it's a great car, and
the people who help are more concerned with doing it right, than "selling
up" things I don't need, and
Am I the only one ?
Now you know why I don't gamble (except with car repairs, but no more !)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mike Jacobi" <mvjacobi at comcast.net>
To: "virtual Vairs" <virtualvairs at corvair.org>
Sent: Monday, August 16, 2010 6:09 AM
Subject: <VV> Japanese cars and the Vair communityy
>I simply refuse to buy any car made in Japan, or that enrich a company
> there. Nor, if I have a choice, will I buy anything made in Japan if
> there
> is a viable alternative made elsewhere. My reasons are both historical
> and
> moral. Anyone who would like to know the basis for this are welcome to
> contact me offline. After all, Toyota problems have little to do with the
> Corvair.
> And in regard to paying someone to fix a vair. I have no problem doing
> that, in fact without the able and reasonably priced help of Ken Hand here
> in Michigan, my vair would still be on blocks in the garage.
> I am one of those people who are mechanically challenged. I can do simple
> repairs...oil changes filter replacement etc. The rest I pay experts to
> do
> and concentrate on doing what my profession pays me to do. This works
> best
> for me.
> The real reason I drive a Corvair I think is the wonderful fellowship of
> my
> local club, the DACC and the sheer fun of driving a car that causes so
> much
> comment. The folks on VV and in CORSA really round out the picture. It's
> not about the car for me, its about the community.
> As someone else on the list so eloquently states, "this is my opinion,
> your
> mileage may vary"
> Mike in Michigan
> --
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