<VV> Autocross Classification
vairologist at cox.net
Wed Aug 11 12:39:22 EDT 2010
Smitty says: This thread has had me smiling to myself and almost laughing
out loud at times. Except as pertains to Ron of course. He has been poorly
used and I hope he can forgive the collective "US" and come back for more
autocrossing. Cheating? Cheating is what those atheletes do. It has
nothing to do with me or my cars. It works like this. My 64 wagon was
initially made in 62 and because it was such an early 64 it had no sway bar
or transverse spring. Right away I took care of that. Then I go to an
autocross. I register as a pure stock low performance Early. After all
there are a half dozen "same equipped" cars in the pits. Then the protests
start. Who is trying to cheat who. And who gives a damn. I'm just there
to have fun. So they are accusing me of cheating just because I built my
car like a bunch of others there. They darn sure aren't going to hear "from
me" about anything else I do to make it run faster and have more fun. They
want to know about the Porch 917 engine, they are going to have to raise the
lid and look for it. See, I am learning.
Then I build Spike. We gonna go out and run the road race tracks with the
big dogs. I have spent 40 years in Corvairs wondering what would happen if
I---------. If you have seen the car you can tell I want it to be noticed
as a racer. Got those goofey sponsor decals all over it etc. Got to look
like a racer inside too. I cut away the dash from the instrument hood all
the way to the right side of the car. Not supposed to lighten the car if
you want to stay in the street class. I didn't do it for lightness I did it
for cool. If that really bothers you that much I could bolt a flywheel to
the passenger floor. Or I could say. the heck with you. Protest it if you
don't like it. I'm here to have fun. I have a friend that co-drives with
me. He is the only one on the track I want to beat. I assume the rest of
you are just out there having fun like me. The car has to have upholstery.
I didn't care for the rags covering the inside of the doors so I took them
off and and covered the doors with some cheap plastic sheeting. For
lightness? No. Just didn't want the car to look tacky inside. Because
Spike is my daily driver and is a fully state inspected and licensed car, he
is carrying a lot of weight. No room for cheating there. The State doesn't
compomise. I went to the carpet store and got in the dumpster and got some
reject carpet for the floor. Cut it out to fit and use it on the street.
When I went to an autocross, Naturlly the inspector didn't want the "loose"
carpets there so I took them out. During the autocross a busybody went to
the course Marshall and told him I was running without carpets and
upholstery and out of my class. This guy wasn't even in my class or body
style. I told the Marshall I was his to order around. No problem. And
continued to run. Next the same guy is protesting my tires. He ticked me
off. Not the protest. Him. So I changed classes and ran. If I had won a
class that day and taken the thousand bucks cash and the three foot tall
trophey home I would have been cheating, (maybe). You are going to have to
protest me if you think so.
I'll tell you right now that I think that a three gallon filler neck on a
tank in a limited fuel race is innovative thinking. I think dipping a car
in acid to lighten it is innovative thinking. And I think that picking up
12 psi of air off of a bellhousing to be used as a supercharger is
innovative thinking. So if you are in a class with Spike or the wagon come
around with your clipboard and make a list. I do nothing to cheat. I do
things to see if they work. I do things because I think they are cool. I
do things because they are the cheapest way. With my driving skill at my
age your highly prized trophey is in no danger anyway. So give it your best
shot and I'll laugh all the way around the track on my next lap.
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