<VV> Losing faith in mechanical fuel pumps

corvairs at pacifier.com corvairs at pacifier.com
Sun Aug 1 14:24:17 EDT 2010

Bob - I've decided it's hopeless. I've spent considerable time and effort
researching this issue the past 18 years (That's the last time a defective
run of mechanical fuel pumps was done by a major supplier).

Those of us who run exclusive mechanical pumps (and have since 1966) will
continue to drive our Corvairs everywhere and anywhere. Those who insist
on the extra expense, extra work installing and the extra risks of
electric pumps, for whatever their reasons, real or imagined, will
continue to do so.

This issue has a life of it's own in Corvair circles, and like most
things, is not always governed by reason.

If electric pumps work well for some, then fine. It's just a shame that
the many new owners get the impression they have to re-engineer their
Corvair in order to drive it.


> Guys  I am listening with sympathy, but I have used exclusively mechanical
> pumps
> for the last 24 years and still do.  I have only replaced two in that
> time.  I
> have 5 Corvairs and all have mechanical pumps and all work just fine.   I
> wish
> we could find a cause/cure for this problem and get it fixed so those that
> wanted mechanical pumps/stay stock as it were, could do so without fear of
> failing all the time.  Lets hope for the best.
> Bob Bauer  Show-Me Corvairs
> ________________________________
> From: Marc Marcoulides <hharpo at earthlink.net>
> To: virtualvairs at corvair.org
> Sent: Sun, August 1, 2010 10:36:05 AM
> Subject: Re: <VV> Losing faith in mechanical fuel pumps
> I have had the same electric pump on my corvair for 10 years with no
> problems,
> no mechanical pumps for me, if I did how would I have the pretty, plated
> plug at
> the back of my engine compartment
> -----Original Message-----
>>From: HallGrenn at aol.com
>>Sent: Jul 31, 2010 6:58 PM
>>To: virtualvairs at corvair.org
>>Subject: <VV> Losing faith in mechanical fuel pumps
>>One of the two year old fuel pumps I purchased from one of our Corvair 
>>vendors has started to drip after less than 300 miles. 
>>This is really getting old.  I expected better.
>>No new discussion is needed, but this is one disgruntled Corvair 
>> customer.
>> Now if I only had the time for the installation of an in  tank
>> electrical
>>one with appropriate safety pieces.
>>Bob Hall
>>Group Corvair
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