<VV> Corvairs with 'Antique' plates ?
John Howell
32chevy at 0306.org
Sun Apr 4 22:22:04 EDT 2010
HI Kent,
I never bought a Corvair new and the plates I have were not the original
plates that were the first plates on any of the cars. Every few years
Tennessee changes plates so by the time I get the car it has gone through
many plates. The new cars that I have bought I would not consider collector
It is against the law in Tennessee to buy a new car and try to put antique
plates on it, by the time a car is old enough to use antique plates no one
has a clue what happened to the original plates. Consider yourself extremely
lucky to get a car with the original plates.
Most people that traded a Corvair in on another car had the plates
transferred to the new car. The last Corvair I bought about a year ago I got
from the second owner and he had it for 34 years. He is an old man and can`t
remember the name of the person he bought it from, and he claims he has
thrown away all records and papers but a few on the car. All he can remember
is that it was bought locally and has remained here. I have the registration
paper where he bought it from the original owner in 1976 but all it shows is
the original title number, when I called the TN DMV they refused to look up
the original owner`s name because of the privacy issues, what a loss !
Also the car came with an ` Antique ' plate on it, it had a really low
number but the TN DMV would not let me transfer that plate to my name, I had
to buy ` New ' Antique plate.
John Howell
----- Original Message -----
From: "Kent Sullivan" <kentsu at corvairkid.com>
To: "'John Howell'" <32chevy at 0306.org>; "'Mike Moyer'"
<vairvert67 at yahoo.com>
Cc: "'VV'" <virtualvairs at corvair.org>
Sent: Sunday, April 04, 2010 2:10 AM
Subject: RE: <VV> Corvairs with 'Antique' plates
> One of my Corvairs came with its original plates and I have been very
> thankful that the previous two owners did not keep them. The historical
> significance is high. John--I totally understand this is a hobby of yours
> but I would urge you (and any like-minded collectors) to please pass on
> plates that are original to a car. Unless we're talking about a very
> unusual
> plate, there is only one set of plates that is original to a car vs. any
> number of sets of plates you could find/purchase from the same
> year--essentially the same if your goal is collecting plates by year.
> "By original to a car" I mean the very first set of plates the car ever
> had.
> And of course I know a few states require that plates be surrendered to
> the
> DMV/BMV so it's not possible in those cases.
> Thanks.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: virtualvairs-bounces at corvair.org
> [mailto:virtualvairs-bounces at corvair.org] On Behalf Of John Howell
> Sent: Saturday, March 27, 2010 9:31 AM
> To: Mike Moyer
> Cc: VV
> Subject: Re: <VV> Corvairs with 'Antique' plates
> Mike,
> Boy that could be a real bummer having to return your old plates ! If
> every
> state done that it would really limit plate collecting. You don`t have to
> do
> that in Tennessee or most other states.
> That is a good point in not letting your license plates go with a car you
> sell. I take them off because as a side hobby I collect license plates,
> never thought about the liability problem.
> John
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