<VV> Wireing needs continued

airvair at earthlink.net airvair at earthlink.net
Sun Sep 27 08:41:14 EDT 2009

I don't think Viton had been invented when the Corvair was first introduced (I may be wrong, though.)

Further, GM never had $200,000 worth of problems with their terminal block. So the money saved was a good move on their part. 

Note that I'm not excusing using only an "adequate" part instead of a superior part. Rather, just explaining the economics of it. One might also argue that they should have done a lot of other things as well, like design the engine with overhead cams, so that there wouldn't be leaky pushrod tubes, OR design an easily changed blower bearing, instead of one that required a significant engine teardown and a pressed-out-pressed-in specialty bearing. Or any of a myriad of other merely "adequate" designs to be built on a mass-produced economy car.


----- Original Message ----- 
To: airvair at earthlink.net;dave.thompson at verizon.net;virtualvairs at corvair.org
Sent: 9/27/2009 8:27:42 AM 
Subject: Re: Wireing needs continued

for the added 80 cents, to NOT have problems, is money well spent. 

Same reason as to why GM didn't offer Viton O rings as OEM. 

John Roberts

-----Original Message-----
From: airvair at earthlink.net <airvair at earthlink.net>
To: jvhroberts at aol.com <jvhroberts at aol.com>; dave.thompson at verizon.net; virtualvairs at corvair.org
Sent: Sun, Sep 27, 2009 7:52 am
Subject: Re: <VV> Wireing needs continued

And Clark's sells his C6802 junction block for $3.20. That's an 80 cent
savings, times a quarter million vehicles...... Hummmm. That's a $200,000
savings. No wonder GM went with the cheaper alternative.

And YES, GM is THAT cheap. My dad was a bean-counter for them, and he
always had to figure things out to the tenth of a cent (for that reason-
economy of scale).


> [Original Message]
> From: <jvhroberts at aol.com>
> Subject: Re: <VV> Wireing needs continued
>  Yep, and here's one that's only 4 bucks!
> http://www.pcsconnectors.com/10098794.aspx
> John Roberts
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dave Thompson <dave.thompson at verizon.net>
> Subject: <VV> Wireing needs continued
> I forgot.
> Those of you that would like to replace their bad "Horrid Red Plastic
> Thingies (HRPT) on their late models:
> Go to:
> http://www.pcsconnectors.com/
> They carry a nice replacement. Look in the "Junction Blocks" section. 
> Dave

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