<VV> Tires & Speedometers

Sethracer at aol.com Sethracer at aol.com
Wed Sep 23 16:38:49 EDT 2009

In a message dated 9/23/2009 12:44:44 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time,  
kaczmarek at charter.net writes:

As a  former cop I can assure you that any reason to set up a radar trap is 
a good  one.   There's no quota on speeding tickets---you can write as many 
 as you want!!!


No quota  - But writing too few, however will soon lead to writing  Zero 
traffic tickets!

I heard of the overpass in the NorthEast that had the radar display mounted 
 with the gun aimed up the highway and big numbers warning the speeding  
drivers as they passed under. Not a week later they found a hastily sprayed  
"Starting line" about a quarter mile up the road, and the local guys trying 
to  see who could set the highest top speed through the traps!  They  
eventually had to alter the display to flash "55" and a warning for any  faster 
speeds.  Boys will be boys! 

Seth Emerson

C's the Day! - Corvair, Camaro,  Corvette

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