<VV> Fwd: Re: Comments to the Virginia DMV (humor)

Frank DuVal corvairduval at cox.net
Mon Sep 21 00:32:21 EDT 2009

Buzzzz, you are wrong on that property tax point. No points for you!

It may be that your local taxing agency doesn't charge you personal 
property tax on your "antique" license vehicles, but that is not true of 
anywhere I have had cars registered here in Virginia. Henrico county 
uses a year cutoff, not whether the car has antique tags or not. 
Stafford seems to charge on all vehicles, regardless of age, so I do pay 
pp tax on antique tagged vehicles. In Stafford the antique plates will 
get you out of emissions inspection from what I've heard, since antique 
tags do not get renewed every two years (the reason for getting an 
emissions inspection every two years is to renew your license plates [OK 
greenies, the real reason is to make sure the car is efficient, but to 
me it is just to allow me to buy plates]).

Now if the counties I deal with aren't following the law and shouldn't 
be charging pp tax, let me know. I could save some money!

I'll refrain from other comments you made. gggg

Frank DuVal

mike hicks wrote:

>The thing is, antique plates get you out of the stupid "safety"
>inspection but they also get you out of paying VA's property tax they
>charge on cars. 

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