<VV> Email format vs. forum- a different perspective

Ray Rodriguez III grymm at echoes.net
Sun Sep 13 03:08:33 EDT 2009

I've finally been motivated to chip in with my "younger" perspective......

I feel that the e-mail format of Virtual Vairs leads me to start building 
more personal relationships with many of you guys... it feels more like a 
community of hobbyists and less like an encyclopedia of questions and 
answers.  The constant flow of conversation and information here on Virtual 
Vairs is a pretty unique experience for me and one I really enjoy...

I've used forums for years for all of my various hobbies... they are 
fantastic..  but I dont bother with the forums at all when it comes to 
Corvairs because coming to VV is like asking my buddies instead of searching 
the interwebs....  its more enjoyable.  In all my forum experience one thing 
that is constantly complained about is repeat questions...  because of that 
I regularly search the VV archives before I ask a question.. but I'm 
honestly happy when I dont find the answer I need and get to start a new 
conversation... cause its more personal and more fun that way!

That said, I think its important that we try NOT to complain about repeat 
questions.. especially from new folks... and I have to say I don't recall 
ever hearing excessive complaints of that nature around here.... something I 
can't say about any forum I've ever frequented.

I try to think of VV more as conversation over coffee or around a 
campfire...and less like a forum,  though sometimes its more like an 
emergency phone call to a friend   =).

Ray Rodriguez III
CORSA member
66' Corsa 140/4 coupe
65' Corsa 140/4 coupe (under construction)

>>The teen and twenty-somethings can have all their techie, gee-whiz,
>>gingerbread sites. All that impresses me not. I'm not online to be 
>>I'm here to get info and to engage in any interesting thread that might
>>come up. The principle of "KISS" for me, please. The Corvair Center can
>>KISS off.

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