<VV> Input shaft Pilot Bushing

Sethracer at aol.com Sethracer at aol.com
Wed Nov 25 17:06:27 EST 2009

In a message dated 11/25/2009 1:09:34 P.M. Pacific Standard Time,  
monza1965 at yahoo.com writes:

If you  want to impregnate the bushing with oil how about putting it in a 
pressure  cooker with some moly oil and cooking it at 15#  for about 15 
minutes?  Seems like that might  work.

Okay, Pete - You impregnate your way, and I'll impregnate my  way!!!
(Seriously, dropping it into a small container of oil for a few days before 
 installation has worked fine)

Seth Emerson

C's the Day! -  Corvair, Camaro, Corvette

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