<VV> Sierra Tan hardtop featured in Oct. Auto Restorer Magazine

Bruce Schug bwschug at charter.net
Sun Nov 15 07:13:00 EST 2009

On Nov 15, 2009, at 1:56 AM, Stephen Upham wrote:

> Does anyone know Archie Doolittle of KIrkwood, NY?  His Sierra Tan
> Monza hardtop was featured as the cover vehicle in the October
> edition of Auto Restorer magazine.  My Monza is, to the casual
> observer, identical to his.  I would like to get in touch and trade
> pics.

When you get ahold of him, suggest he join CORSA. He hasn't belonged  
since 7/98.

 From the CORSA database:

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Bruce W. Schug
Treasurer, Membership Chairman
CORSA South Carolina
CORSA member since 1980
Performance Corvair Group
Stock Corvair Group
'67 Monza, "67AC140"
bwschug at charter.net

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