<VV> More HP Re: Gossip...

deltainc deltainc at grm.net
Tue Nov 10 20:00:18 EST 2009

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "FrankCB" <frankcb at aol.com>

> Bryan,
>     You neglected to mention the THIRD alternative - BOOST!  Making more 
> HP requires a greater WEIGHT of air being burned per unit of time.  We can 
> get that from more RPM or a larger engine size or DENSER air being packed 
> into the existing engine.
>     Frank "boost equalizes cu.in." Burkhard
> x> In general terms, this is the way to make more power in any engine -
>> pump more air in and out.
Well, I suppose I should mention a favorite fantasy of mine ... that some 
chemical engineering Geek will discover/create a catalyst/filter/gadget 
that increases the percentages of oxygen in the "air" presented to the 
intake valves .....   this  is available in a very slight way by using an 
alcohol for fuel, but just not enough ...   and of course various little 
tanks full of nitrous oxide, etc., very cute, but a hassle and not cheap for 
long trips ....   just think of climbing the big mountain passes with 33% 
oxygen instead of normal air with 23% O., maybe still a slight puff from a 
turbo ...

Would also help clean up a diesel, apparently still not at present clean 
enuff for EPA acceptance here in the states.

Just a Dream ...   but still ....

reargards, ken campbell, deltawerkes 

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