<VV> Palm Springs! A(nother) Success!
Bill Hubbell
whubbell at umich.edu
Mon Nov 9 21:02:18 EST 2009
I wouldn't even think about challenging John's opinion about ice cream. I figure if anybody is an expert on Sweets it has to be him (G).
Bill Hubbell (telescope expert)
-----Original Message-----
From: "John Sweet" <jasvair at certainty.net>
Date: Mon, 9 Nov 2009 20:38:09
To: Dave Thompson<dave.thompson at verizon.net>; 'shortle'<shortle556 at earthlink.net>; 'Charles Lee'<Chaz at ProperProPer.com>; <mark at vintagecarcare.info>; <virtualvairs at corvair.org>
Subject: Re: <VV> Palm Springs! A(nother) Success!
As far as I am concerned the only thing good about the 2008 Fan Belt Toss
was the ice cream. That meet was the biggest disaster that I ever saw. I
came 2500 miles for that.
John Sweet
----- Original Message -----
From: "Dave Thompson" <dave.thompson at verizon.net>
To: "'shortle'" <shortle556 at earthlink.net>; "'Charles Lee'"
<Chaz at ProperProPer.com>; <mark at vintagecarcare.info>;
<virtualvairs at corvair.org>
Sent: Monday, November 09, 2009 5:21 PM
Subject: Re: <VV> Palm Springs! A(nother) Success!
> Didn't see any members of Vintage Corsa at the Fan Belt Toss?!?
> Tim, you and I spoke to each other several times. There were about 8 of us
> from Vintage there. Several of them won awards too.
> As for 2008 not being a success, The goal of moving it to Orange County (I
> was NOT a decision maker on that) was to give the Corvair more exposure to
> the general public. There are constantly discussions here on VV about
> getting more people interested in Corvairs. That goal was well
> accomplished
> being part of the largest swap meet in So Cal and receiving a mention on
> the
> local NBC 6:00 news and a small article in the Orange County Register. It
> may not have been "Just like Palm Springs" but I feel it was a major
> success
> in its own right. I agree that the grassy field made for a much better
> event. However, I also don't think that moving the 'Toss for one year made
> it a failure.
> As for pictures of the event, I'm no photographer and don't take pictures.
> However, I've got almost a Gig of pictures from the 2008 'Toss here on my
> computer from others.
> Dave Thompson
> <SNIP>
> The GWFBT of 2008 was NOT a success compared to all the years in Palm
> Springs. I don't remember seeing any pics posted from that event. And I
> did
> not see many members from Vintage Corsa in Palm Springs this year either.
> How strange indeed.
> <SNIP>
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