<VV> Insulator for horn contact ring in 63 Monza

Charles McKinley cmckinley313 at cox.net
Mon Nov 2 13:00:59 EST 2009

Hello, all, I'm new to VirtualVairs since yesterday, so bear with me  
for any gaffes. I recently had to pull my steering wheel numerous  
times while repairing and adjusting the turn signal mechanism, and in  
the process the plastic insulator behind the horn contact ring  
partially disintegrated so that the contact ring was always grounded  
(honk!)  I looked at Clark's catalog and discovered that the insulator  
is no longer available (at least from Clark's.) I ended up unwiring  
the system from the steering column and installing an outboard horn  
button on the dash - no big deal there - but am wondering if any of  
you know of a more elegant workaround, or know where I can find a  
replacement for the insulator. It appears to be considerably more than  
just a plastic ring, in fact seems to be part of a bearing assembly  
that supports and centers the steering column in the tube.

Thanks for any suggestions!

Chuck McKinley

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