<VV> Tongue-in-Cheek Oil Filter Solution
Jim Houston
jhouston001 at cfl.rr.com
Sun Nov 1 09:58:17 EST 2009
When I was in A&P school, one of the instructors had a Frantz filter on
his car. As part of our training, we did oil changes on aircraft
engines (which are typically done every 50 hours of operation, or the
equivalent of 3000 miles) and he had us do a change on his car to show
us the efficiency of the Frantz filter. The oil that we drained from
his car after 10,000 miles was cleaner than the aircraft oil after 3000
miles. I think the Frantz system works quite well. The actuality is it
doesn't use a "toilet paper" roll for an element - the Frantz element
looks like a roll of toilet paper, but the paper is very different (and
a lot more expensive than Charmin!)... If you put a roll of regular TP
in the filter, it will dissolve and contaminate the system. Here's a
link to their website: http://www.wefilterit.com/
Jim Houston
'65 Corsa
Jay Pitchford wrote:
> Ebay item# 160373351029
> Sheesh, who needs Wix or Cal Clark . . . I got CHARMIN!
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