<VV> "Worthless" 2doors

Dave Keillor dkeillor at tconcepts.com
Thu May 14 15:55:25 EDT 2009

Ah, but the frugals won't spend the additional $3,000.  They'll stop
with the $850 and band-aid the car the rest of the way.  There is
nothing wrong with being frugal, but some of the people there are really
pedantic about it.

I really like survivor cars.  A few years back we visited the car museum
in Borton-on-the-Water and found it really neat.  Everything cars,
caravans, automobilia, etc. was unrestored.  Hw was looking for a buyer
at the time, and hoping the collection could be kept together. 

Dave Keillor

-----Original Message-----
From: Alan and Clare Wesson [mailto:alan.wesson at atlas.co.uk] 
Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2009 2:37 PM
To: Dave Keillor; virtualvairs at corvair.org
Subject: Re: <VV> "Worthless" 2doors

I take your point Dave, and I am a 'frugal' myself in lots of ways. But
have got to be really, really, really stupid if you think it is better
pay $850 for a car that needs $3000 spending on it than it is to spend
on one that doesn't need any work.

And you end up with a better car when you buy the original one, to boot.

That is why I bought my Terraplane. I am heavily into HPOF cars and I am

pleased they are the hot ticket (although I am still disturbed by the
of original unrestored 30s cars I hear about through the H-E-T club,
get rodded!).


Alan (Anal)

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