<VV> 65 convertible shimmy
J R Read_HML
hmlinc at sbcglobal.net
Tue Mar 24 02:17:45 EDT 2009
I suppose that welding a 1/4 inch steel plate to the bottom of the rocker
panels would "fix it", but I can't say for sure since I've not tried that.
It is just not enough concern (to me) to go after it.
"Cowl shake" works form me... Except in a Cessna 140 - where "Cowl Flap"
(one side flapping in the breeze) encouraged me to land in a bean field!
Later, JR
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mike Clark" <mclark67 at charter.net>
To: <virtualvairs at corvair.org>
Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2009 1:09 AM
Subject: Re: <VV> 65 convertible shimmy
>I would call that cowl shake. My 65 does the same thing. With the top up
> it is solid, and with the top down it shakes at lower speeds. Some cars
> just have it. I had an 03 Mustang that had cowl shake. P*ssed me off
> that
> Ford made such a big deal that the convertible Mustang was designed "as a
> convertible" and they still couldn't solve it. And that car was a tad
> expensive for such a thing.
> Also, 66/67 Lincoln convertible had the canisters. Not sure of the
> earlier
> ones.
> Mike Clark
> Stockbridge, Georgia
>> I'm inclined to agree with mike hicks, at least where '65s (and maybe
>> '66s -
>> I've had both) are concerned. My current ('65) vert is quite pristine -
>> no
>> evidence of rust (and none expected). This car lived in (dry) Sacramento
>> most of it's life and near LA for a couple of years until I bought it.
>> Has
>> not "ever?" seen salt. It now lives in IL and only goes out after all
>> salt
>> is off the roads.
>> It will give me a minor VERY momentary shake at lower speeds on occasion.
>> I've never paid attention to the speed at the time (but probably around
>> 30ish) since this is my third LM vert and they have all done that. Since
>> I
>> normally only drive it in top down weather, I cannot say how it reacts in
>> top up conditions, but I have no specific recollection of a "top up"
>> shake.
>> I'll try to pay attention to that the next time I have the top up while
>> driving. Don't hold your breath for THAT report. I usually put the top
>> down in early summer and leave it that way unless I get caught in a
>> downpour
>> that I can't outdrive.
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