<VV> Help needed in Ft. Myers, FL
Vairtec at optonline.net
Vairtec at optonline.net
Tue Jun 30 18:48:40 EDT 2009
Frank CB is in my local club -- has been for more than 35 years. If
you were to poke him awake in the middle of the night, his first
words would be either "water injection!" or "gauges!" depending on
which of the two dreams he was having at that moment.
Grant, regarding the lady in Ft Myers: In 1970, I was driving a 1968
convertible with the top down on a beautiful summer day, with the top
down, in a traffic jam. The belt came off, and in the sunshine I
could not see the red light and I would not have been looking at a
gauge anyway. Finally, the engine locked up. I had no idea why but
in neutral I was able to get the car off the road.
When I opened the engine compartment, the tattered fan felt and the
astounding amount of heat told the tale. I had to wait 45 minutes
before it was cool enough to touch, to replace the belt. After I
replaced the belt, the car started and ran just fine. It was a 140,
so it had every opportunity to drop a valve seat but it did not.
Now, since she is getting white smoke she may in fact have done some
damage. Doe the engine turn? Does it make bad noises? She can call
another member of my local club, who, even though it is a New
Jersey-based club, lives in Fort Myers. This member is not a
mechanic but may be able to provide some local recommendations. I'll
send you the contact information privately.
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