<VV> Crashworthiness humor

J R Read_HML hmlinc at sbcglobal.net
Wed Jun 3 22:27:59 EDT 2009

Is that Elmer?  Just how fast was that kwazy wabbit goin when it wan into 
that wittle car?
Later, JR

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "John Kepler" <jekepler at amplex.net>
> All of which simply proves Fudd's First Law of Opposition...."If you push
> something hard enough, it will fall over!"  I mean to hell with
> engineering....if you design to a government mandated specification, and
> then design a test that exceeds the limits of that specification by
> 300-400%...you are "proving" just about as much as Fudd's Law does!

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