<VV> Promoting CORSA

Jack Pinard corvairjack at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 28 15:50:56 EDT 2009

Greetings from your Western Division Director: I recently returned from the CORSA convention in Jacksonville, where the board of directors struggled in a 12 hour meeting on how to preserve CORSA.  One major decision will be made August 15.
The board is studying ways to reduce costs and improve magazine and website services, and how to reverse the trend of declining membership.

I feel that all CORSA leaders including chapter officers can do a better job of communicating with members all the values of belonging to a strong national organization. Chapter officers can make a big difference by promoting CORSA at all their chapter activities.
It is only because of CORSA that chapters can hold events with liability insurance. Chapters look to the CORSA Communique and website to advertise events to other chapters. Other major services for Corvair owners include publications such as the tech guide.
My first request is that in all promotional material and registration forms for any event, in your newsletter, and on-line, you check that this phrase is included:
A chapter of CORSA, Corvair Society of America,  WWW.CORVAIR.ORG
Secondly I request that you offer discounts or special inducements at events for CORSA members, such as a $5.00 reduction in entry fee. Car shows or other events could have separate classes or awards for CORSA members and non-members.
All events should include a booth for CORSA literature and supplies. I have made arrangements to have an inventory to take to all chapter special events such as car shows in Southern California.  Other directors may adopt this plan to reach out to members and prospects in their area. If not, order an inventory for your chapter.
By wearing CORSA t-shirts, caps and pins and displaying emblems, members can distinguish themselves as representing our unique national organization in addition to belonging to a local car club.
Please communicate to me your suggestions on improving CORSA services.  As your "rookie" director I am completely open to new ideas and will present them to the board of directors.
Together we can stop focusing on the rear view mirror and look ahead down new roads.
Best Regards, Jack Pinard

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