<VV> I have a problem that I hope you might help me with.

Mcpherson, Dick dmcphers at CovHlth.com
Mon Jul 27 08:58:52 EDT 2009

Bill,=0D=0A=0D=0AIf you can get the lock cylinder out of either door there =
is a code=0D=0Astamped on it and any good key shop can take that code and c=
ross it and=0D=0Acut you a key=2E  I had a similar issue with my '64 =2E=0D=
=0A=0D=0ABest of Luck,=0D=0A=0D=0ADick McPherson=0D=0AKnoxvile Area Corvair=
 Club=0D=0AKnoxville, TN =0D=0A=0D=0A-----Original Message-----=0D=0AFrom: =
virtualvairs-bounces at corvair=2Eorg=0D=0A[mailto:virtualvairs-bounces at corvai=
r=2Eorg] On Behalf Of=0D=0Abillsmileyiii at aol=2Ecom=0D=0ASent: Saturday, Jul=
y 25, 2009 2:53 PM=0D=0ATo: virtualvairs at corvair=2Eorg=0D=0ASubject: <VV> I=
 have a problem that I hope you might help me with=2E=0D=0A=0D=0AI have a p=
roblem that I hope you might help me with=2E =0D=0AI have a 63 corvair conv=
ertible=2E?We rebuilt the carburators, put in new=0D=0Aplugs?and cranked it=
 up after sitting 18 yrs in a Mich garage=2E It=0D=0Astarted right up and r=
an like it was new! =0D=0AI now have?a problem with the key=2E =0D=0ADo you=
 know if the 63 had separate keys for the ignition & the trunk? =0D=0AI hav=
e had this key in the ignition ( GM knock out #9309) for years but=0D=0Athe=
 ignition was not in the locked position (so we could start the car)=2E=0D=
=0ANow the key?does not work in the ignition/doors or trunk yet I believe=
=0D=0Ait is the key to this corvair?? It has a 6 sided head , Briggs &=0D=
=0AStratton on one side, GM on the other side=2E Is?there a way to use the=
=0D=0Akey knock out number to?find out what type of car it is for?? Would i=
t=0D=0Abe tied to the VIN # for the car?=0D=0AIt looks like we will have to=
 pull the door lock & have a locksmith make=0D=0Aa key from that=2E Any oth=
er suggestions?=0D=0A _______________________________________________=0D=0A=
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