<VV> Convention Comments
shortle556 at earthlink.net
Fri Jul 24 11:59:30 EDT 2009
I left Durango Colorado Wed. evening at 5:00 and it was 79F. I drove all nite in my '69 Convert. #2891 arriving at 10:00 AM in Witchita Falls,Texas where it was 104F. Called it a "nite" then and there. I left Witchita Falls at 10:00 PM for the next leg arriving in Talahassee, Florida at 1:00 PM and decided to call it a "nite" then and there. At that point I was 3 hours from Jax and saw no reason to truck on as it was Friday and the convention did not officially start until Monday. I left Talahassee at 1:00 PM the next day and made my way to Jax to enjoy some "cooler" weather and some sightseeing there before the start of the convention. At this point total miles driven were 1950 with no issues whatsoever except for adding a quart of oil averaging 25 miles per gallon while cruising at 70-80 miles per hour(thanks to carb. work done by the "wolfmeister" Grant Young). I was hoping that made me eligible for the "hard luck" award but unfortuneately some folks had much more serious problems. The convention itself was a blast the whole week. Outside in the parking lot it was warm but certainly not unbearable. Everytime it got too warm I just walked back into the hotel and cooled off with the A/C or the swimming pool.I enjoyed the tech sessions and the club meetings (thank you Seth for leading the VV group meeting- it was nice being able to put faces to names). I also attended the Corvanatics, AirVair, and the "69 meetings. Dave Newell did a great job (as usual) at the CPF meeting and brought along some truly historical figures as part of his presentation (Harry, Joe, and others). I also made the presentation for ROCKY MOUNTAIN CORSA club for our bid for the 2011 convention which was accepted by CORSA. Hoping to see you all in Denver in 2011! At the banquet I was honored to have won the "long distance driven in a Corvair" award which was a $100 gift certificate generously donated by Clarks. I left immediately after the banquet Friday nite driving all nite again arriving at my first "nite" rest at Vicksburg, Mississippi about 11:00 AM. I left Mississippi at 10:00 that nite getting to my next rest stop in Amarillo,Texas at about 2:00 PM. I left Amarillo at 5:00 AM driving straight on to Santa Fe, New Mexico arriving at 1:30 PM for a brief visit with my brother and then it was on to Durango Colorado arriving at 8:00 PM just in time to pick up my wife and son at the airport. All together I drove my Corvair 4080 miles without any car problems whatsoever. I was gone from home exactly 12 days and had a blast! (I don't think I'll ever do that again)! It was nice seeing all the '69s in the display (this car #2891 was also at Lake Tahoe for the 30 year reunion which is why I wanted to bring it to Jax for the 40 year). I have 3 more Corvair events this year,the RMC picnic/swap meet in August, the Roundup in Witchita, Kansas the first weekend of October, and finally my old favorite Palm Springs,Calif. the last weekend of October. And of course I intend to drive a Corvair to these 3 events. Hoping to see you all there!
Timothy Shortle in Durango Colorado
-----Original Message-----
>From: Dan & Synde <dsjkling at sbcglobal.net>
>Sent: Jul 23, 2009 10:10 PM
>To: Virtual Vairs Submission <virtualvairs at corvair.org>
>Subject: Re: <VV> Convention Comments
>I think CORSA leadership and those who are members could take a cue from
>Walter Elias Disney. You see, Walt was watching his two daughter one day
>riding a carousel at Griffith Park from a nearby park bench. He thought it
>would be a nice if there was a park where both yound and old could go and
>have fun together and thus was born the idea of Disneyland. From Walt's
>opening day speech :
>"To all who come to this happy place; welcome. Disneyland is your land. Here
>age relives fond memories of the past...and here youth may savor the
>challenge and promise of the future. Disneyland is dedicated to the ideals,
>the dreams and the hard facts that have created America...with the hope that
>it will be a source of joy and inspiration to all the world.
>Just substitute CORSA as a club for Disneyland in the speech and you get:
>"To all who come to this club, welcome. CORSA is your club. Here age
>relives fond memories of the past... and here youth may savor the challenge
>and promise of the future. CORSA is dedicated to the ideals, the dreams and
>the hard facts that have created America...with the hope that it will be a
>source of joy and inspiration for all the world."
>You see, young and old can have fun together and isn't that one of the main
>goals of CORSA? To have fun and fellowship with each other while enjoying
>our beloved cars? Somehow there have to be accommodations made for both
>young and old. An equal give and take. Considerations for each.
>Otherwise, what is the point to it all? Both are needed for a healthy club.
>Less thinking about "ME" and more thinking about "US" as a group with a good
>dose of compromise and consideration on both sides.
>Dan Kling
>1961 Greenbrier Deluxe, 4spd, 3.89 On the Road Again, yeehaw :)
>1963 Spyder, restored 4spd Saginaw
>1967 Ultravan #299 Newest of the herd!! Almost killed me already!!
>A few pictures of the Greenbrier, UltraVan, engine and tranny tear down with
>more to come!
>Dave Keillor said:
>>Unfortunately, if the future of Corsa is in its current "Q-tips", its
>>future will be short.
>John Howell said:
>>When you look at the members we are mostly white headed now, aged along
>>the cars, not as many people with school children so I don`t think that
>>argument is as true as it used to be. Earlier or later would be better
>>for the most of us, the heat down there was ruff especially on Tuesday.
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