<VV> The Aging Membership, ala VV ...

Chris & Bill Strickland lechevrier at earthlink.net
Thu Jan 29 15:12:54 EST 2009

Okay, we've heard that repeated several times here, BUT ...

Note that at least two of what have recently been described as "younger" 
members are in their mid-fifties -- some of you folks have forgotten the 
greatest [spell check almost changed this to "greasiest", ala Freud] 
"generation" ever, who is now coming of age (50+) -- the baby boomers!  
You know, that group that is going to break the bank at Social Security 
because there are so many of us? And we want those cars we had in high 
school, I am told -- I was in high school 1960-1965, and others followed 
me.  Okay, maybe the Corvair wasn't a Pony or muscle car (or a bright 
yellow '59 Pontiac hearse, with black racing stripe) -- sue me!  But it 
is of that "generation" that has all these folks in it and they are 
coming to their Age of Indulgence, when many can buy what they want, 
well, maybe they could have before last September, so they have scaled 
back their expectations to  ...   to what? Corvairs, maybe?  The poor 
man's Porsche?

It ain't all doom and gloom as to prospective new members, not just 
yet!  But the Board of this organization needs to wake up and get it's 
rear in gear for that day when it comes and make some moves instead of 
sitting on center!  It's why you got voted in -- to represent us for the 
benefit of the organization. I liked Sarah's idea of the April vote for 
her concept that it would allow the board members to communicate their 
ideas to the membership, but I forget that our dear board doesn't do 
that, like, "I do not consider VV to be a great place for these 
discussions ...".  So where & when do you want to talk about it, the 
moon, with it's near vacuum and attendant lack of sound?

Seems like, as has been noted, that this discussion has occurred 
periodically over the last several years -- has any action been taken?  
Well, you could hardly call the "Membership Special" of the last couple 
years a major action, although it was sufficient to get my overdue 
renewal paid up, Thanks Harry!

Again, it seems like there is a dearth of communication from the 
individual board members to the membership, with a few occasional 
notable exceptions.  Speak Up!  and tell us what you're thinking!  and 
why!  Maybe you could get lucky and voted out!  Just convince folks like 
Jeff Aaronson that they should run!

Not a candidate,

Bill Strickland

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