<VV> CORSA run by volunteers
James P. Rice
ricebugg at mtco.com
Wed Jan 28 22:29:25 EST 2009
All: The idea has been suggested we find some volunteers to do what M&P
does for us for a fee.
May I remind the oldbees and enlighten the newbees that CORSA started that
way in 1969. By the mid-70's, it was getting to be a bit much for
volunteers to do. In late '78 or early '79, CORSA acquired it first
management company and publisher. They did well from where I was sitting in
the semi-cheap seats at the time. Then we got a different outfit, which
didn't last long. Fortunately for CORSA, Harry and Mike put together M&P
and bid for the responsibility.
Going back to the 1969-1978 model doesn't strike me as progress, much less
Historically Yours,
James Rice
PS: Since some like to mention their credentials:
Corvair enthusiast since 1959
CORSA member since mid-70's
Chairman of the Competition Committee 1979-1984, which included writing the
CompComm job description, all four moving car event rules, the Racing Fund
policy, plus contributing to the creation of the first CORSA P&P manual.
Member of the original CPF Advisory Committee (Whenever that was!)
Member of CORSA & CPF BoD's 1999-2001
CPF Liaison, 1999-2001
Sometime contributor to the Communique
PSS: Editorial: Having cars in the driveway does not count as credentials
in my book. So there. Who cares what you have?! It is what you contribute
that matters.
PPSS: What Lon and Warren said.
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