<VV> Corsa

levair at aol.com levair at aol.com
Wed Jan 28 16:24:43 EST 2009

   I've been a Corsa member for 30 years, and I'll admit that I was  
first hooked by the Autocross.
But, I found many more reasons to join Corsa and have friends in all of 
the categories.
Often, I demand to have random seating at the banquets to acquire new 
friends with different interests.
Our recent conventions have had many special activites for wifes and 
children also.
    I treasure the Communiques and keep them for reference. I consider 
my Corvair freinds to be my extended family and the newsletter is the 
album or scrapbook. This is our shared family history.
     I often look into issues from 20 years ago to regain old , still 
revelant, information or to remember the past.
     Storing paper newslettes is the ONLY permanent storage. I've stored 
information on floppy discs (which new computers can't read), CDs, DVDs 
and flashdrives, which all will ultimately become obsolete. What's 
next; paper is always there. Who hasn't had a virus and lost all of 
their  electronic info?
    Saying that paper is obsolete is just youthful arrogance, only 
what's newest is best--new isn't always better. If it is ,why are we 
fooling around with therse old cars?
    Several car clubs have opt in and opt out choices for the 
newsletters. Electronic is no cost and paper is more. I always opt for 
paper and pay the difference.
    The clubs that I belong to that have no choice but electronic 
newsletters are way down on attendence for events.  Paper Newsletters 
come to you; you have to search for electronic advertised events.
    One club in particular has gone from attendence in the 100s to about 
thirty, their justification was we interviewed the 30 entrants and 
asked them how they knew about the event---electronic of course.
What about the 70 who didn't come---no paper invitation of course!
     I am losing my close affintiy to the non news letter clubs and 
don't feel the urge to attend their events.
    Why can't we have several types of memberships: full with paper 
newsletter, electonic only, local only, non insured, etc? Pay for what 
you receive.
     The conplaints about racing articles can be cured by sending  in 
articles of YOUR chosing!!! We don't have any paid reporters.
    The racers are displaying Corvairs in the gereral public in a 
dynamic manner. Many new young members are gained this way. For some 
reason, young people just love the Corvairs. Non Corvair visitors to 
the Levair shops  are always way fascinated by both the racing and non 
racing Corvairs within.
    In my own selfish way , I am more inclined to offer advice to people 
who have literally paid their dues.


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