<VV> Polishing intrincated parts
Delta Mfg.
deltainc at grm.net
Mon Jan 26 02:12:37 EST 2009
----- Original Message -----
From: "Daniel Monasterio" <dmonasterio at megared.net.mx>
Subject: <VV> Polishing intrincated parts
I am in the process of polishing aluminum parts with good results on
head light bezels, alternator, trim, etc. but, on the alternator adapter
can´t find a way to polish it as there is no way to use a buffing wheel on
most areas.
Howdy... for the last 20 years or so we have been polishing small
(aluminum ) parts in small vibratory pots available from sporting goods
shops for polishing brass cartridge cases. These are terrific for small
quantities of parts up to maybe 6 inches or so diameter, and we use Black
Walnut Hulls ground..... for the polishing media .... ground corn ( maize )
cobs also work fine, so it looks as if almost any ground cereal ( corn?
never tried that ... ) might work. we use no additive polishing compound,
but BonAmi ( no other brand! ) brings things a long a bit faster... as in
10/% faster.
www.Midwayusa.com has their own line, as good as most, and 1/10 the price of
some others. You might try local shooter's clubs, bet you could rent one
cheap, or find a shooter that likes old cars ( most do !!!! ) ....
Figure on 3 or 6 days of steady vibrating, use enough media to cover each
part, don[t let the parts rub each other excessively, might give scratches.
Tumble dry, or you will have "cement" in any screw threads to dig out.
Hope this helps; ken campbell, deltawerkes
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