<VV> Head's Up: Our ride is about to be bashed again
Mike Clark
mclark67 at charter.net
Thu Feb 19 21:26:59 EST 2009
This is an unfortunate name for this display. I can't believe the Petersen
came up with this. A more appropriate name might be, "Thank Heaven they
were -really- thinking."
Besides the obvious, the Corvair doesn't fit in this list because they made
pert-near 2 million of them. That's no misfit. Most of the cars on the
list are excellent automobiles, or were in their time.
I personally helped to prepare the 1906 Adams-Farwell and the 1925 Julian
for display. The Julian is an aluminum over wood body by Fleetwood, with
mohair and silk interior, a beautiful and well built car. The Adams-Farwell
has a geared tiller, so as to be able to run over rocks, bricks, and
dogs(says so in the owners manual) and not have the tiller yanked out of
your hand. It also has a forward compartment in which you can remove the
tiller and pedals from the rear and install them in the front and drive from
the front. An excellent automobile.
And I can also tell you the Amphicar wasn't just a bizzare idea thrown
together. The inventor, Hans Trippell, developed this car as well as many
military vehicles for years, putting together many prototypes and limited
runs of vehicles. The Amphicar was actually built for 8 years.
This is my knowledge of the cars on the list, perhaps I will call the
Petersen and suggest they change the name of the exhibit. It will be a good
display, though. I'm surprised they don't have their Tucker in the lineup.
Mike Clark
Stockbridge, Georgia
> The Petersen Automobile Museum in L.A. is mounting an exhibition entitled
> "What Were They Thinking? The Misfits of Motordom" starting February 28th
> and
> running through September 20th.
> _http://www.petersen.org/default.cfm?docid=1070_
> (http://www.petersen.org/default.cfm?docid=1070)
> Fearing the worst, I wrote asking for a list of the cars to be featured.
> Here's their response followed by my inquiry:
> <Hello,
> Here are the vehicles we are planning to install in the WWTT exhibit
> (all
> exhibits and programs are subject to change)
> Vehicle
> 1906 Adams Farwell
> 1908 Scripps-Booth
> 1923 Chevrolet Copper Cooled
> 1925 Julian
> 1932 Helicron
> 1934 Chrysler Airflow
> 1947 Gregory
> 1957 Studebaker-Packard Astral
> 1957 Liberty Mutual Survival Car
> 1958 Edsel
> 1958 Toyota Toyopet
> 1960 Chevrolet Corvair
> 1964 Amphicar
> 1974 Fascination
> 1976 AMC Pacer
> Clayton D. Drescher
> Education Manager
> Petersen Automotive Museum
> 6060 Wilshire Blvd. (at Fairfax)
> Los Angeles, CA 90036
> Phone: (323)964-6347
> Fax: (323)964-6422
> Could you please provide a list of the automobiles that will be
> featured/discussed in your upcoming "What were they thinking?" exhibit?
> Thank you!>
> Don't shoot the messenger (me)!
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