<VV> Communique improvement idea, number 10

BobHelt at aol.com BobHelt at aol.com
Wed Feb 18 14:53:52 EST 2009

Tech articles submitted by members have been  sometimes rejected for no 
apparent reason but often as being incomplete, too  technical or poorly written. 
One author I know is still pissed from many years  ago and will never again 
submit another thing although in my opinion, he has a  lot to offer.  
Why don’t we have volunteers to help potential  authors to generate, rewrite 
and improve potential tech articles. Why aren’t  potential authors offered 
this service and encouraged instead of being rejected?  Maybe there are others 
waiting on help.  
And lest we forget the Communique is the main  source of satisfaction the 
members gain from CORSA. Thus an improved  Communique means happier members and 
increased membership and more  revenue. 
Bob  Helt
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