<VV> communique improvement idea number 6 + 6A
corvairduval at cox.net
corvairduval at cox.net
Wed Feb 18 11:20:55 EST 2009
OK, there is a difference of opinion here. How surprising! ggg
Harry says he doesn't want to reprint old tech ideas, as it is just a
rehash for members.
Ned says less than 10% of our members have all the old issues.
Who's right? If Ned is right, then less than 10% of our current members
would be bothered by reprints of any article. Of course way more than 10%
would be bothered by reprints from last year!
I think the index is a GREAT idea. Many magazines publish, or sell, an
index, like Skinned Knuckles magazine. [Which BTW has a Corvair article in
the upcoming issue: http://skinnedknuckles.net/pages/next%20month.htm]
Selling all the back issues on DVDs is also a great idea, but waay mucho
work. It would solve a lot of member storage problems.
Frank DuVal
Original Message:
From: airvair at earthlink.net airvair at earthlink.net
Date: Wed, 18 Feb 2009 10:48:06 -0500
To: aeroned at aol.com, virtualvairs at corvair.org, corsabod at corvair.org
Subject: Re: <VV> communique improvement idea number 6
What you say may be true. But I beg to differ. Such an index would benefit
more than just those who have all the back issues. Specifically, it may
also 1(prove that there is interest in seeing certain significant articles
reprinted, 2)improve the value of old copies of CC, and 3)show that such
subjects have already been covered, and where to find the info (whether or
not anything gets reprinted), among other benefits.
As to the work involved, true, an initial listing would involve some work
to compile. But if that index is maintained and added to on a periodic
basis (say every year, or at most every 5 years), the subsequent work would
be minimal. As to me doing the work, I've got my plate full at the moment,
what with being secretary of both Lodge and Council, Council district
association president, and other personal things, thank you very much.
I just hope that this suggestion isn't quickly dismissed, but instead
discussed by the entire board (whom I'm CC'ing).
> [Original Message]
> Subject: Re: <VV> communique improvement idea number 6
> Mark,
> That would be be great for members, such as yourself, that HAVE all the
back issues. I would venture to guess that there are less than 10% of our
members that would fit into that subset, it might be as low as 1%. I would
also guess that making such an index would be no easy task. So it would be
lots of work and benefit very few members, not really the best use of Mike
and Harry's time (which is CORSA's money).
> However, since you have all the back issues, you could make the index for
CORSA and it wouldn't casot us (CORSA) a dime.... :^)
> Ned
> -----Original Message-----
> From: airvair at earthlink.net <airvair at earthlink.net>
> Subject: Re: <VV> communique improvement idea number 6
> Hi Harry and Mike,
> How about an index of all the tech and historic articles in the CC and CQ,
> dating back to CORSA's start? I certainly could use such an index.
> -Mark (charter member of CORSA, with all the back issues to prove it)
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