<VV> Bunch of grown men...

mhicks130 at cox.net mhicks130 at cox.net
Wed Feb 18 10:45:32 EST 2009

CORSA is Corvair related and therefor allowed on VV.  THIS is where some people "sit down" to discuss issues.  You don't have to like it but it certainly isn't violating VV rules (unlike SOME discussions that end up here).  If you don't like it, don't read.  If you're getting individual emails from VV, consider getting it in digest mode - it's easier to ignore the stuff you don't like.  Or do what I do, read the posting from the archives page.  The archives are update fast - seemingly real time, so it's almost like a modern forum format.  Then you can just skip over subjects with titles you're not interested in.

I have found that a lot of people in the Corvair community don't seem to like discussions much (unless it's about where we're going to eat). Getting VV in digest mode or reading the archives can help with this aversion issue. 

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